On the road again

Well, now that I’m writing I want to finish updating!

First of all, my vacation……

I had a perfectly wonderful time. I loved Oregon. I want to move to Portland. It’s pure magic.  This is what I see outside in Texas. I took this picture about 5 miles from my house.


And these are some pictures I took in Oregon.

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I was able to do most of the things I wanted to do.

FYI: The least handicap accessible place was Roloff Farms. Who would have thought?! Though they did make a good effort. But gravel covered hills do not equal good wheelchair accessibility. They were amazing otherwise 🙂

I went to southern California. I was able to see quite a bit of the Redwoods from my car.

The only downside to the whole trip was the unbelievably large amount of homeless people I saw 😦  In almost every town we stopped in. Some very old men in the cold and rain. I very rarely see anything like that here. I gave money a couple times when I could. I’m still thinking about them though.


I’m going on my first trip since I became sick.

I’m all sorts of nervous. I wrote an email to another blogger who responded with this post.


I’m traveling from Texas to Oregon with my father and new step mom. They are going for a church conference, and thought I could use a break. So they are letting me and my sis tag along. They upgraded to a two bedroom cabin.

I’m not sure what all I will be able to do. I’m taking my wheelchair, so I’ll be able to do much more. But there is a layover in Colorado and I’m nervous about it.

There are alot of things I would like to do. So we’ll see how handicap accessible they are!

-The most exciting part of the trip is that I get so see the Redwood forest.

-And we are taking a trip out to the Roloff farm from Big People Little World. I shall buy a pumpkin. And most likely do nothing with it. 🙂

-I saw a special on the travel channel about the top ten wonders of the west. The Columbia River Gorge is on the list. Its only as couple hours from where we will be.

I really hope I can do everything.

What I’m most worried about is the fact that there wont be anyone there who can give me my shots. I’ll be gone eleven days, so I can’t go that long without it.

I have such an irrational but completely real phobia of needles. If it came down to me giving it to myself or not going, I would still be too scared to do it. I would opt out.

I leave at an ungodly hour on Sunday morning.

Please wish me luck. I don’t want to miss out on anything. I’m very happy to be going.